Shimla: As relentless rainfall persists, a red alert remains in effect for both Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, signaling the dire weather conditions gripping the states. The meteorological authorities of Himachal Pradesh have sounded the alarm with a ‘red’ rain advisory, cautioning of “heavy to very heavy” precipitation coupled with sporadic episodes of “extremely heavy” downpours in eight out of the state’s 12 districts throughout the night.

Responding to this alert, the Deputy Commissioners of Shimla and Mandi have taken decisive measures by mandating the closure of all educational institutions within their jurisdictions for the next 48 hours.

The recent deluge on Tuesday caused landslides in Mandi and Hamirpur districts, along with uprooted trees scattered across various areas. Consequently, sections of Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Kullu, Mandi, Shimla, Solan, Sirmaur, and Una districts are now under a heightened red alert. The threat of landslides looms large in both states, as significant portions of infrastructure and roadways have been eroded away due to the destabilizing effects of loose soil.

The repercussions of these weather conditions are substantial, prompting authorities to issue landslide alerts for the safety of residents. The vulnerable nature of the terrain in these regions, combined with the continuous heavy rain, poses a significant challenge for disaster management and mitigation efforts.

This unrelenting rainfall and the subsequent alerts underscore the urgent need for preparedness and coordinated response mechanisms to safeguard lives and property. As the affected regions grapple with the impacts of these torrential downpours, authorities, residents, and relief organizations must remain vigilant and responsive to ensure the safety and well-being of those residing in these areas.