Raipur: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) recently revealed its lineup of candidates for the Chhattisgarh assembly election. However, TS Singh Deo, the Deputy Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, stated on Saturday that the Congress party doesn’t feel pressured to follow suit. He emphasized that Congress follows an established procedure to finalize its list of candidates.

During a media briefing, Deo stated, “We can announce our candidates today or a month before the polls if we wish. Is it necessary to rush our decision on which constituency the chief minister will contest from?” He highlighted how BJP recently decided to field Vijay Baghel, a Lok Sabha MP from Chhattisgarh and the Chief Minister’s nephew, against Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel in Patan.

Expanding on Congress’s strategy, the Deputy Chief Minister pointed out, “While we acknowledge contenders within our party, we adhere to an approach. The fact that BJP has released their list does not mean we need a response from our side.” He explained their party’s process; initially screening candidates and then sending a shortlist to leadership, who ultimately decide.

Looking back at the background, it is worth mentioning that in November 2018, Congress managed to remove BJP from its position of authority in Chhattisgarh. This triumph marked Congress’s comeback after a gap of 15 years since 2003, concluding the BJP’s rule under Chief Minister Raman Singh. This prior accomplishment could influence Congress’s approach to selecting candidates.