Mumbai: In a turn of events a 16 year old boy is said to have taken advantage of the innocence of a girl by enticing her with chocolates. According to a law enforcement officer he cunningly led the minor to his living quarters, under the guise of offering her the treat. Then committed the crime.

This distressing incident occurred on a Sunday evening. The young girl, unaware of the danger was deeply engrossed in her play just outside her home as noted by the police.

Following this horrifying incident the victim appeared shaken and overwhelmed. Overcome with fear and anguish tears streamed down her face. Concerned, about their daughters distress her parents made efforts to uncover what had caused it. After questioning her she mustered up the courage to recount the ordeal she had endured as explained by an official.

After listening to the complaints which had been lodged by the parents of the girl, the Police have successfully filed an FIR against the boy. The FIR has been filed under the sections Indian Penal Code which even includes 377 (unnatural offense) along with the Protection of Child from Sexual Offense Act (POSCO).