Growing concerns have arisen regarding the deaths of cheetahs in National Kuno Park. These worries have been further intensified by the discovery of the body of a seven-month-old female tiger cub at the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh. Officials from the reserve have confirmed this death.

FS Ninama, Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) at Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, has shed some light on the cause behind the cub’s demise. Preliminary findings suggest that the young tiger may have succumbed to injuries sustained during a confrontation with another older tiger. This theory is supported by pugmarks found near where the cub was found, indicating signs of another tiger’s presence.

In response to this discovery, authorities at the reserve swiftly deployed canine units to investigate further and gain insight into the sequence of events leading up to the cub’s death.

It is worth mentioning an incident that occurred in April involving a tiger cub, approximately 7-8 months old, who tragically lost her life due to an altercation with a male tiger.

This unsettling trend emerged just as Madhya Pradesh was celebrating its renewed reputation as a premier habitat for tigers. According to the report by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) on International Tiger Day titled ‘Status of Tigers Co predators & Prey in India, 2022’ the state has emerged as a leader with a tiger population of 785. This achievement reaffirms its deserved recognition as the ‘Tiger State’.