Raipur- In Raipur, a collective demonstration involving numerous trade unions will occur on Wednesday, August 9. Among those attending are members of the banking sector. Shirish Nalgundwar, representing the Chhattisgarh Bank Employees Association, highlighted that over 25 crore union workers nationwide had expressed their discontent with the central government’s policies, which they perceive as being against the public and labor interests. This includes members from the All India Bank Employees Association.

An enormous national strike is on the cards for later in the year, protesting the central government’s controversial decisions. In anticipation of this, the united front of trade unions will gather for a sit-in at Raipur’s renowned protest venue, Budha Talab, from 9 am to 12 pm on August 3. Raipur’s banking fraternity will also be lending their voices to this cause.

Nalgundwar clarified that August 9 does not mark a bank holiday. Nonetheless, many bank representatives and officials are expected to support and participate in the demonstration actively. It’s not limited to Raipur; union workers from different regions will engage in similar demonstrations wherever they are organized within the state.