Khandwa: The latest data released from the tiger census highlights an achievement, by Madhya Pradesh securing the top position with a count of 785 tigers. This accomplishment reaffirms Madhya Pradesh’s reputation as a leading state for tigers maintaining this distinction for three census cycles. Karnataka takes the spot in the population ranking with 563 tigers.

Vijay Shah, the Forest Minister attributes this success to the dedication of the states forest department staff likening their efforts to nurturing a child in a cradle. He expresses pride as he has served as Madhya Pradesh Forest Minister throughout this journey.

However Minister Vijay Shah acknowledges that the actual tiger count may surpass the reported figure of 785 due to challenges such as identification and difficulties in counting tigers below two years old. This suggests a robust tiger population than reported.

He commends the commitment of the forest department staff who have demonstrated diligence and care in nurturing these majestic creatures. The minister emphasizes that tigers often referred to as the “pride of the jungle ” are treated with attention and dedication akin, to that given to children.

The emphasis, on preserving and conserving wildlife has played a role, in establishing Madhya Pradesh as a leading state when it comes to tiger conservation.