Srinagar: Days after the Indian Army jawan went missing, presumable abducted by terrorists or militants has been tracked down by the police, putting an end to the curious case of his mysterious disappearance nearly a week ago. The jawan, Javaid Ahmad Wani, posted in Ladakh who was reported missing from Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir last week has been recovered.

“Missing army jawan has been recovered by Kulgam Police. Joint interrogation will start shortly after medical checkup. Further details shall follow: ADGP Kashmir”, tweeted Kashmir Police Zone.

According to his family and police officials, he left his home at Asthal in Kulgam in his car to buy some food items as he was about to leave for Ladakh the next day to join back his duties. The car was found abandoned a few distance away with blood stains on July 29, reveals his family. Javed had returned home for Eid-ul-Azha and was on leave since July 29. The family feared that he might have been kidnapped by the militants.