Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan is scheduled to connect with a gathering of, over 4,100 individuals at Bhopals Lal Parade Ground on August 4th. During this event he will not engage in discussions with more than 10,000 young people but also hand out appointment letters to 4,695 chosen friends who have been serving the public across the state.

The Chief Minister has been actively involving the youth in the process of developing the state. Janseva Mitra is a group of friends who have been tirelessly working in development blocks across 313 districts for the past six months. Their commitment to driving progress at the level has been truly commendable.

Furthermore the Chief Ministers Youth Internship Program has been empowering graduates and postgraduates aged between 18 and 29 years. These interns are receiving a stipend of eight thousand rupees while contributing to the states development initiatives. The program’s second batch will now include a 9,390 Janseva Mitras further strengthening the government’s dedication towards engaging with youth.

It is worth noting that Madhya Pradesh’s journey towards development has witnessed welfare schemes that have had an impact on approximately 16,000 panchayats across the state. In light of the assembly elections the government’s focus on youth participation and local level progress has played a role in advancing overall growth, within Madhya Pradesh.

The government’s commitment, to nurturing leaders and creating a future for Madhya Pradesh will be further emphasized by the event taking place at Lal Parade Ground.