New Delhi: During the Rajya Sabha session on Thursday, Derek O’Brien, a member of the Trinamool Congress, called for a discussion on issues related to Manipur. Stressed the importance of providing “care” and promoting “healing” to the state. In response, Piyush Goyal, Leader of the House expressed support for the idea of holding such a discussion. He mentioned that he would coordinate with the Home Minister to determine a time for it. Goyal also emphasized the need to focus on prospects while leaving behind any grievances.
Meanwhile when Parliament proceedings commenced on that day Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla was absent from his position. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, a leader from Congress, conveyed his fellow members desire to have Birla as Speaker. Described him as a figure whom everyone respected like a father. However, sources revealed that Birla chose not to preside over the proceedings until all members uphold decorum and dignity in their behavior.
Chowdhury also expressed the Congress party stance by emphasizing that discussions regarding a no-confidence motion against Narendra Modis government should be given priority in Parliament. He accused the Centre of attempting to divide opposition parties by introducing the Bill, on Delhi services of addressing the no confidence motion. The Congress party has made it clear that they intend to oppose this Bill.
The Lok Sabha has planned to discuss and approve the bill that replaces the ordinance regarding the control of services, in Delhi on Thursday. However yesterday the House adjourned soon after it began due to protests from the opposition, which hindered any discussion, on the bill.