Kuno: Another female cheetah has died at Kuno National Park in India, bringing the total number of cheetah deaths at the park to nine since March. The latest death, a two-year-old female named Zara, was found dead on Sunday.

The cause of Zara’s death is not yet known, but park officials are investigating. They say that she may have died from a natural cause, such as a disease or an injury. However, they are also considering the possibility that she was poached.

The deaths of the cheetahs at Kuno have raised concerns about the future of the species in India. Cheetahs are an endangered species, and there are only about 50 of them left in the wild in India. Kuno was supposed to be a safe haven for cheetahs, but the recent deaths have cast doubt on that.

Park officials say that they are doing everything they can to protect the cheetahs at Kuno. They have increased security at the park, and they are working with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of protecting cheetahs.

However, some experts say that it may be too late to save the cheetahs at Kuno. They say that the park is not large enough to support a viable population of cheetahs, and that the animals are too vulnerable to poaching.

The deaths of the cheetahs at Kuno are a tragedy. They are a reminder of the challenges facing endangered species in India. It is hoped that park officials will be able to find a way to protect the cheetahs at Kuno and ensure their survival.

In addition to the nine cheetah deaths, there have also been several other incidents of poaching at Kuno. In June, a group of poachers was arrested after they were caught setting traps for cheetahs. In July, a male cheetah was found dead with a gunshot wound.

The poaching and deaths of the cheetahs at Kuno have sparked outrage among conservationists. They say that the government needs to do more to protect the cheetahs and other endangered species in India.

The future of the cheetahs at Kuno is uncertain. If the poaching and deaths continue, it is possible that the species will be wiped out from the park. However, if the government takes action to protect the cheetahs, there is still hope for their survival.thumb_upthumb_downshareGoogle it