Moscow: On the morning of July 30, 2023, an attempted terrorist attack by the Kyiv regime using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) against targets in the city of Moscow was foiled. The Russian Defense Ministry said that three UAVs were downed over the city, two of which crashed into a building complex in Moscow’s business district. There were no casualties or injuries reported.

The UAVs were reportedly carrying explosives and were believed to be targeting government buildings or other critical infrastructure. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the UAVs were launched from Ukraine and were intercepted by Russian air defenses.

This is the latest in a series of drone attacks on Moscow and other Russian cities. In recent months, Ukrainian UAVs have also been used to attack Russian military targets in the Donbas region.

The Russian government has condemned the drone attacks as “terrorist acts” and has vowed to respond forcefully. The Ukrainian government has denied any involvement in the attacks, but the evidence suggests otherwise.

The attempted drone attack on Moscow is a serious escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It is a clear indication that the Ukrainian government is willing to use terrorist tactics to achieve its goals.

The attack also raises concerns about the security of Moscow and other Russian cities. It is clear that the Russian air defenses are not foolproof and that UAVs can still pose a serious threat.

The Russian government is likely to increase its security measures in response to the attack. It is also likely to step up its military operations in Ukraine in an effort to deter further attacks.

The attempted drone attack on Moscow is a reminder that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is far from over. It is a conflict that has the potential to escalate further and to have a serious impact on the security of the region.