Washington: The United States announced on Friday, July 28, 2023, a $345 million military aid package for Taiwan. This is the first major package drawn on America’s own stockpiles to help Taiwan counter China. The package includes man-portable air defense systems, or MANPADS, intelligence and surveillance capabilities, firearms and missiles.

The announcement came as China has been increasing its military activity around Taiwan. In recent months, Chinese warplanes have been flying into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) on a regular basis. The US has condemned these flights as provocative and destabilizing.

The military aid package is seen as a way to deter China from taking any further action against Taiwan. It is also a sign of the US’s commitment to Taiwan’s security.

The Chinese government has reacted angrily to the US announcement. The Foreign Ministry said that the package “seriously violates the one-China principle and the three joint communiqués” between China and the US. The ministry also warned that the US would “bear all the consequences” of its actions.

The US has said that the military aid package is not intended to provoke China. However, it is clear that the package will further strain relations between the two countries.

The announcement of the military aid package comes at a time of heightened tensions between the US and China. The two countries are at odds over a number of issues, including trade, human rights, and the South China Sea. The military aid package is likely to further complicate relations between the two countries.

It remains to be seen how China will respond to the US announcement. However, it is clear that the package has sent a strong signal to Beijing that the US is committed to Taiwan’s security.