Jabalpur: The Jabalpur High Court issued an arrest warrant against the Deputy Director of Panna Tiger Reserve Forest in a case of disobeying the order giving the last ultimatum of the High Court. The employee was not regularized despite clear orders and directions of the High Court due to which an arrest warrant has been issued against the deputy director.

Rameshwar Singh Thakur, Advocate Madhya Pradesh High Court said that in 2008, an arrest warrant was issued by the High Court against the Deputy Director of Panna Tiger Reserve for continuously harassing the employee. Further, the forest department official did not regularize the employees even after the order of the High Court.

The contempt petition was filed by Shivdayal Napit said that he was working as a wireless operator since 1984 but was removed from service without a notice. The labour court declared the order to sack him from serice as illegal in October 2008 and asked for reinstatement. The deputy director of Panna tiger reserve reinstated him in service 9 years after the labour court ordered.

The petition later moved an application for regularization of job but his application was turned down. He then moved the high court, which cancelled the order of the deputy director and asked him to issue a speaking ordr on his application within 60 days.