Manpur: In the dominated region of Manpur district, in Chhattisgarh the actual situation on the ground is far different from the government’s promises of development. The people living in this area are facing an issue with electricity as they have no access to it in their homes. 

Disheartened and disappointed by the lack of concern shown by the administration and public representatives towards their problems the villagers have decided to take a step. They’ve collectively agreed to boycott the elections until their longstanding demand, for electricity is met.

Pugada, a village located under Koracha gram panchayat is one place that has been greatly affected by the absence of electricity. Despite Indias Independence this village and other nearby ones have been deprived of power for years. The powered lights that were once installed in the area have deteriorated over time. They are now non operational leaving the villagers to live in darkness amidst a dense forest.

The villagers daily lives have been severely impacted by the absence of electricity especially when it comes to the education of school children. Due, to a lack of lighting these children are forced to study in lit areas like near stoves and chimneys which exposes them to harmful smoke. This challenging situation puts the future of these learners at risk as it hampers their education and prospects.

Despite attempts through elections and multiple applications, the government still needs to provide basic access to electricity for the villagers. In response to this neglect, the villagers have. Decided to cast their votes once they received reliable access to electricity. It is worth noting that this area has traditionally been a stronghold for the ruling Congress party during elections with support from the residents. Enough both the current MLA and parliamentary secretary also belong to the Congress party.

This potential boycott of elections reflects a growing sense of disillusionment among villagers. Indicates political consequences for the ruling party. The lack of electricity has become a point of contention highlighting discrepancies between government promises and the realities faced by people on a daily basis. With upcoming elections looming there is mounting pressure, on the government to address this issue promptly and take steps towards meeting the demands of these villagers.