INS Kirpan Handed Over to Vietnam Amid China’s Aggressive Attitude in South China Sea

The Indian Navy has handed over the decommissioned warship INS Kirpan to the Vietnamese Navy. The ceremony took place in the Vietnamese port city of Cam Ranh on March 8, 2023.

INS Kirpan is a Rajput-class guided-missile frigate that was commissioned into the Indian Navy in 1982. The warship was decommissioned in 2022 after serving for 40 years.

The handover of INS Kirpan to Vietnam is seen as a sign of India’s commitment to supporting its Southeast Asian neighbor in the face of China’s aggressive attitude in the South China Sea.

“The indigenously built in-service Missile Corvette INS Kirpan, decommissioned and handed over in a Grand Ceremony at Cam Ranh, Naval Base. The momentous and historic ceremony presided by Adm R Hari Kumar CNS and RAdm Pham Manh Hung, Deputy CinC & Chief of Staff”, tweeted Indian Navy’s Spokesperson.

China has been asserting its claims over the South China Sea, which is a major shipping route and is believed to contain rich oil and gas reserves. Vietnam is one of several countries that have overlapping claims with China in the South China Sea.

The handover of INS Kirpan to Vietnam is expected to boost the Vietnamese Navy’s capabilities and help it to better defend its interests in the South China Sea.

The Indian Navy has a long history of cooperation with the Vietnamese Navy. The two navies have conducted joint exercises and training programs, and they have shared intelligence on China’s activities in the South China Sea.

The handover of INS Kirpan is a further sign of this cooperation, and it is a clear signal to China that India is committed to supporting Vietnam in the face of Chinese aggression.

India has a strategic interest in maintaining good relations with Vietnam, as it is a key player in the South China Sea. The handover of INS Kirpan is a gesture of goodwill that is likely to strengthen these ties. China has been increasingly assertive in its claims over the South China Sea, and Vietnam has been one of the countries most affected by this. The handover of INS Kirpan will help Vietnam to better defend its interests in the region.

The handover of INS Kirpan is a signal to China that India is willing to support Vietnam in the face of Chinese aggression. This may help to deter China from further aggressive actions in the South China Sea.

The handover of INS Kirpan to Vietnam is a significant development in the South China Sea. It is a sign of India’s commitment to supporting its Southeast Asian neighbor, and it is a clear signal to China that India will not tolerate Chinese aggression in the region.