Bollywood’s latest film, “Bawaal,” starring Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan, has sparked outrage and criticism for its insensitive and controversial portrayal of the Holocaust. The movie attempts to draw parallels between the couple’s marital struggles and the horrors of the Shoah, a deeply tragic event in history. This comparison has been widely condemned for trivializing the Holocaust and causing pain to those affected by the atrocities.

One of the most criticized aspects of the film is the inappropriate use of the Holocaust as a mere plot device. The characters are told that “every relationship goes through its Auschwitz,” comparing the challenges in their marriage to the unimaginable suffering endured by the victims of the concentration camp. This comparison not only diminishes the gravity of the Holocaust but also lacks respect for the memory of those who suffered during that dark period.

Moreover, the film received special permission to shoot at a concentration camp, which has added to the controversy. Scenes showing the protagonists entering a gas chamber, dressed in striped clothes, evoke the horrifying reality faced by Holocaust victims. This portrayal is seen as insensitive and disrespectful.

The use of Adolf Hitler as a metaphor for human greed is another point of criticism. The protagonist compares himself and others to Hitler, oversimplifying complex moral issues surrounding historical figures and trivializing the actions of one of history’s most notorious dictators.

The film’s use of the Anne Frank House and Anne Frank’s story as a backdrop for romantic development has been seen as manipulative and exploitative. Anne Frank’s diary is a profound account of her experiences during the Holocaust, and using it in this manner is considered disrespectful and in poor taste.

Amazon, the platform that released “Bawaal,” has also faced criticism for allowing the film to be made and promoted on its platform without considering the potential harm and offense it could cause. This has raised questions about responsible content curation and ethical considerations in the film industry.

In light of the controversy and public backlash, “Bawaal” has drawn attention to the importance of sensitivity and respect when dealing with historical events, especially ones as grave and tragic as the Holocaust.