Amidst shooting for the highly anticipated sequel of ‘Stree’ alongside Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao has already signed his next project. The talented actor will join forces with filmmaker Anubhav Sinha for a new film titled ‘Bachpan Ka Pyaar,’ where he will share the screen with the stunning Vaani Kapoor. Set in the charming backdrop of Lucknow, the movie will be a heartwarming small-town love story, helmed by the writer-director Apurva Dhar Badgaiyann, known for the acclaimed film ‘Chaman Bahaar.’

According to reports, the film’s shooting is scheduled to begin in August. This collaboration will mark Rajkummar Rao’s third project with Anubhav Sinha, following their successful ventures ‘Article 15’ and ‘Bheed.’ For Vaani Kapoor, it will be the first time she collaborates with the accomplished director-producer.

Apart from ‘Bachpan Ka Pyaar,’ Rajkummar Rao has other exciting projects in the pipeline, including ‘Guns & Gulaabs’ and ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi.’ Meanwhile, Vaani Kapoor has her hands full with projects like ‘Sarvagunn Sampanna’ and ‘Mandala Murders.’

As fans eagerly await the release of ‘Stree 2’ and look forward to witnessing Rajkummar and Vaani’s on-screen chemistry in ‘Bachpan Ka Pyaar,’ the talented duo continues to expand their impressive repertoire in the world of cinema.