New Delhi: Relatives of a 10-year-old domestic help in Dwarka, southwest Delhi, have made shocking allegations against her employers, a couple identified as Kaushik Bagchi (36) and Poornima Bagchi (33). The young girl, who was hired to take care of the couple’s child, allegedly faced severe abuse at their hands, including being hit with hot iron tongs for mistakes she made while performing household chores.

According to the victim’s family, she had been working for the Bagchi couple for approximately two months, but they had no knowledge of the abuse she endured. The revelation came to light when her aunt witnessed Poornima beating the girl in the balcony on Wednesday morning. Disturbed by the sight, the aunt and others confronted the couple at their apartment, demanding an explanation for their actions. The girl was finally allowed to leave the apartment after the relatives created a commotion.

The young girl, clearly upset and, in tears opened up to her family describing the experience she had gone through. She revealed that Poornima would force her to do all the household work and would violently attack her with hot tongs or hot iron whenever she made a mistake. Her hands bore multiple burn injuries from these alleged attacks. Moreover, she claimed to have been left hungry for several days and was often given stale food to eat.

The girl’s uncle observed that she had burn marks on her arms and other areas of her body as bruises, around her eyes. The injuries were both fresh and old, indicating a history of abuse. The couple has been arrested for their alleged assault on the minor.

Following the incident’s revelation, a video surfaced showing the confrontation between the girl’s relatives and the accused couple. The agitated mob confronted the Bagchis, leading to a physical altercation.

The victim’s family is demanding strict action against the accused couple, emphasizing that they should be held accountable as an example to deter others from committing similar offenses against vulnerable children. The parents of the girl, who come from a village, in Muzaffarpur district Bihar had been away because of the death of a family member. However they are anticipated to come to Delhi.