New Delhi: Delhi Police officials have reported an alarming incident of gunfire at the Tis Hazari Court premises in Delhi. There haven’t been any injuries reported so far. The incident seems to have stemmed from a heated dispute among a gathering of lawyers. 

To deter any further undesirable occurrences police are present at the location. Disturbing footage capturing one of the lawyers brandishing and pointing their firearm upwards has emerged on social media. Shouting and stone-throwing can be heard and seen among the lawyers from opposing groups engaged in a confrontation within the court premises. In the midst of the chaos, the lawyer with the firearm fires shots into the air, while others continue their verbal altercation.

KK Manan, Chairman of the Bar Council of Delhi, has strongly condemned the firing incident at the Tis Hazari Court premises and assured a thorough investigation into the matter. Manan emphasized that a detailed inquiry will be conducted to determine whether the weapons used were licensed or not. He underscored that regardless of licensing, no lawyer or individual should resort to such reckless use of firearms within or near court premises.

In response to the incident, the Delhi Police promptly released a detailed statement providing information on the situation. According to their report, the firing incident was reported at approximately 1:35 pm at PS Subzi Mandi. Upon arriving at the scene, it was discovered that two distinct groups of lawyers, including office bearers, were allegedly involved in firing shots into the air. Fortunately, no injuries were sustained, and the situation has since been brought under control. Legal actions are being initiated by the authorities.

The incident at Tis Hazari Court has raised concerns about security and the need for stringent measures to maintain the safety and decorum of court premises. The Delhi Police’s swift response and commitment to taking appropriate legal action provide reassurance that the matter will be thoroughly addressed.