Mumbai: In a disturbing incident, the lifeless body of an unidentified woman was discovered in a gunny bag in Mumbai’s Worli area. The police reported on Wednesday that the woman’s arms and legs had been found broken, indicating possible signs of foul play.

The bag containing the woman’s body was found at Worli Sea Face after concerned locals spotted it floating in the sea waters on Tuesday morning. Promptly alerting the police, they brought the matter to the attention of the authorities, as reported by an official from Worli police station to news agency PTI.

Authorities suspect that the woman was murdered and her body subsequently disposed of in the sea. Upon seizing the bag, police uncovered the decomposed remains of the woman inside. Currently there remains uncertainty regarding the establishment of the identity of the deceased.

Due to the impact of high tide, the bag had drifted and become lodged in a drain near the Coast Guard office in the Worli area, according to the official. The body has been sent for a post mortem examination.

Worli police have initiated a murder case against unidentified individuals and have commenced a thorough investigation into the matter. The police will diligently undertake efforts to identify the victim involved and hold the culprits responsible for this heinous act accountable. Thus ensuring justice is served.