Delhi: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, along with PCC Chief Mohan Markam and other senior leaders, recently embarked on an important visit to Delhi. Their primary objective was to attend a crucial meeting with influential Congress leaders including party president Mallikarjun Kharge, former president Rahul Gandhi, general secretary KC Venugopal, and Chhattisgarh Congress in-charge Kumari Selja.

During the meeting, a wide range of topics was discussed, encompassing various aspects of state politics, party strategy, and future initiatives. The leaders delved into comprehensive deliberations on strengthening the Congress party’s presence in Chhattisgarh, enhancing coordination among party members, and devising effective strategies to address the needs and aspirations of the state’s citizens.

With a collective vision of progress and development, the leaders exchanged valuable insights, shared their experiences, and identified key areas of focus for the party’s agenda in Chhattisgarh. The discussions also encompassed initiatives to bolster grassroots-level engagement, connect with the masses, and ensure that the party’s policies resonate with the concerns and aspirations of the people.

The meeting served as an important platform for dialogue, collaboration, and strategic planning. Its purpose was to strengthen the Congress partys position in Chhattisgarh and gather its support base. 

During the meeting the leaders reaffirmed their commitment to work tirelessly for the welfare of the states residents. They emphasized their focus on inclusive growth, social justice and providing equitable opportunities for all. The visit to Delhi followed by the meeting was a significant step in the partys’ efforts to promote unity, cohesion, and effective leadership in Chhattisgarh. By exchanging ideas and aligning goals. They aim to shape the partys’ direction and further its mission of serving the people of Chhattisgarh.