A year after the shocking incident that shook the nation, plans are underway to make a film based on the infamous Kanhaiya Lal murder case in Udaipur. The filmmakers are currently in discussions with the family members of the deceased tailor, Kanhaiya Lal, who was brutally beheaded in his shop by two men posing as customers. The murder, allegedly motivated by Kanhaiya’s social media support for a suspended BJP leader, Nupur Sharma, had sparked widespread public outrage.

Yash, Kanhaiya Lal’s son, recently received a call from the Mumbai-based production company Jani Firefox. Director Amit Jani expressed his intention to make a film on his father’s murder case. On the first anniversary of Kanhaiya Lal’s death, Amit Jani is expected to visit Udaipur for further discussions regarding the film. The tentative title for the film is said to be ‘Udaipur Files,’ a name that Yash and his family members have agreed upon.

The incident occurred on June 28 in Udaipur’s Maldas area. Following the gruesome act, the two assailants posted a video on social media, boasting about the beheading and even issuing threats against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s life. However, the police swiftly apprehended the culprits, identified as Riyaz Akhtari and Ghouse Mohammad, who had recorded the crime on their mobile phones.

It is worth noting that Kanhaiya Lal had previously complained to the police, reporting threats he had received. The video captured Riyaz attacking the 47-year-old tailor with a sharp-edged weapon while Ghouse documented the horrifying act. Kanhaiya’s social media support for Nupur Sharma, who had made controversial remarks against Prophet Mohammad, was believed to be the motive behind the murder. Further details and an official announcement from the filmmakers are eagerly awaited