Gwalior: In Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, the prices of essential vegetables have witnessed a significant surge, causing concerns among the buyers. In just one week the prices of various vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage, tinda and ginger have increased four times their original amount. 

Additionally other vegetables like chili, coriander, garlic, and capsicum have seen their prices double. This significant rise in prices is evident in the vegetable market of Gwalior. A mere seven days ago. Tomatoes were being sold at Rs 30 per kg. But now they have skyrocketed to Rs 100 per kg.Similarly, ginger, cabbage, and tinda have crossed the Rs 100 per kg mark. The escalating prices have led to a decline in buyers visiting Gwalior’s Hazira Intak Maidan vegetable market, as people struggle to accommodate their budgets amidst the skyrocketing vegetable prices.

The situation is no different in the capital city of Bhopal, where vegetable prices have surged following the monsoon. Tomatoes have reached an all-time high of Rs 100 per kg, while beans are being sold at Rs 160 per kg. Ginger is priced at a staggering Rs 240 per kg, cabbage at Rs 80 per kg, and gilki at Rs 60 per kg.

The soaring vegetable prices have not only impacted the household budgets but have also disrupted the purchasing patterns of consumers, particularly in rural areas. The increasing cost of essential vegetables has become a matter of concern, warranting attention and measures to alleviate the burden on the public.