Kangana Ranaut, the revolutionary and talented actress, has caused shockwaves nationwide with her outstanding performance in the announcement video of her upcoming directorial venture, “Emergency.” This highly anticipated film marks 48 years since the former Prime Minister of India declared a state of emergency throughout the nation, and its release date has been officially announced.

The internet was abuzz with praise from netizens who couldn’t contain their admiration for Kangana Ranaut. Some hailed her as a “master of her craft,” while others praised her as a “beauty with brains.” Kangana is set to make a striking impact with this film. After captivating audiences with an impressive announcement video, fans eagerly anticipate the movie’s release.

One user expressed excitement by saying, “Bold, Gripping, and Unforgettable. @KanganaTeam’s intriguing announcement video for her upcoming directorial #Emergency leaves a striking impact!”

Another user noted, “#Emergency, a film that delves into the political career of the former Prime Minister of India. Only #KanganaRanaut could have done justice to the role of the Iron Lady.”

“Emergency” is presented by Manikarnika Films and directed and produced by Kangana Ranaut. The screenplay is penned by Ritesh Shah, with the story crafted by Ranaut herself. In addition to portraying the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Ranaut has assembled an impressive cast, including the late Satish Kaushik, Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Mahima Chaudhry, and Milind Soman in pivotal roles. Fans can mark their calendars as “Emergency” is scheduled to release on 24th November 2023, promising a cinematic experience that will captivate and educate audiences alike.