Jabalpur: Bajrang Dal activists have presented a memorandum to the Jabalpur Superintendent of Police on behalf of the Governor, highlighting their concerns over cow slaughter, smuggling, and the existence of illegal religious structures. 

The organization has called for an immediate ban on these illegal activities within the city and has accused cow smuggling of taking place under the guise of festivals. They further alleged the presence of illegal religious structures in the Ranjhi police station area, where the Pakistani flag has reportedly been raised.

Vijay Yadav, the District General Secretary of Bajrang Dal, emphasized the need for swift action against cow smuggling, cow slaughter, and sacrificial practices conducted during festivals in Jabalpur. He highlighted the recent emergence of unauthorized religious structures in areas such as Ranjhi, Richai, and Khamaria, which were not present just a few months ago. The organization strongly advocates for stringent measures to be taken against such illegal religious establishments.

These concerns raised by Bajrang Dal reflect their commitment to upholding the principles they hold dear. The organization firmly stands behind its call for prompt action against any illicit deeds that compromise the sanctity of religious venues and harm holy creatures. The outcome of this appeal and its impact on resolving issues in Jabalpur rests on how effectively authorities address these concerns.