Adipurush, the highly anticipated film based on the Ramayan, generated immense hype due to its massive budget and Prabhas’ portrayal of Lord Ram. However, despite the initial excitement, the movie faced criticism and trolling over its teaser and final trailer. While Prabhas’ charismatic performance and his Baahubali fame raised expectations, Adipurush received backlash for misrepresentation and poor depiction of sage Valmiki’s Ramayan. The film witnessed a strong box office opening but soon experienced a decline in earnings.

Adipurush collected Rs 3.13 Crore on its ninth day, falling short of expectations. Early estimates suggest that the movie may earn around Rs 5 Crore, but it remains insufficient to revitalize Adipurush’s performance. The lukewarm response from audiences during the first week and negative word of mouth has impacted its box office prospects. The Om Raut directorial has garnered approximately Rs 265- Rs 270 Crore in net earnings.

Manoj Desai, an executive associated with the film, criticized the makers and called for strict action against them, stating that the movie has hurt Hindu sentiments. He specifically mentioned writer Manoj Muntashir, suggesting he should be sent to jail along with others involved in the film’s production.