New York: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today concluded his US State visit and left for Egypt. He held talks with President Joe Biden and addressed the Joint Session of Congress. Concluding the last stretch of his visit, PM Modi tweeted, “attended a vibrant program celebrating our Indian diaspora. A heartfelt tribute to the strength, diversity, and contribution of our overseas community. Their passion is our pride!”.

“India is a part of our daily lives, here in the US, India is a part of our daily lives. We enjoy our Jhumpa Lahiri’s novels over samosas. We laugh at the comedies of Mindy Kaling. We dance on the beats of Diljit at Coachella and yes Mr. Prime Minister I can say this from personal experience, we keep ourselves more or less fit and healthy doing yoga”, said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

As PM Modi departs for Egypt, the second of his two0naiton tour, it is important to note that this will be the first official bilateral visit by an Indian prime minister since 1997. While there have been some previous visits, they have only been for multilateral events.

PM Modi will pay state visit on Egypt on June 24-25 at the invitation of President bdel Fattah el-Sisi. This is significant as it indicates the strengthening of bilateral ties and the mutual desire to expand cooperation between the two countries.