Warmth and friendship marked the meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden at the White House. First Lady Jill Biden graciously welcomed PM Modi, reflecting mutual respect between nations. The trio engaged in light-hearted conversation and shared laughter, displaying their informal camaraderie.

PM Modi attended a State Dinner hosted by President Biden and First Lady Jill at the White House, marking a special occasion for the leaders who share a close bond of friendship. The Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson, Arindam Bagchi, tweeted about the private engagement, highlighting the cherished moments between the two leaders.

A musical celebration commemorating several regions of India was also appreciated by the President, First Lady. The White House confirmed and Prime Minister Modi during their visit. Earlier in the day, Jill Biden hosted Modi at the National Science Foundation, where they participated in an event highlighting the shared priorities of India and the US in education and workforce development.

The visit also includes Prime Minister Modi addressing a joint session of the US Congress. In addition, as official gifts, President Biden and the First Lady presented Modi with a handmade, antique American book galley, a vintage American camera accompanied by an archival facsimile print of George Eastman’s Patent of the first Kodak camera, and a hardcover book of American wildlife photography. As a gesture of goodwill and diplomatic friendship, PM Modi presented President Biden and the First Lady with a remarkable gift: a 7.5-carat green diamond.