Gorakhpur– Gita Press, the renowned publisher, has declined the cash award of ₹1 crore associated with the prestigious Gandhi Peace Prize. While expressing gratitude for being selected as the award recipient, Gita Press said it would adhere to its long-standing tradition of not accepting donations.

In a statement, Lalmani Tripathi, the manager of Gita Press, emphasized that receiving the Gandhi Peace Prize was a matter of great honour. However, the publisher made it clear that it would not accept the monetary component of the award. Tripathi stated, “It is our principle not to accept donations, so the trustee board has decided not to take the award in monetary form. However, we will certainly accept the award for the honor of it.”

Gita Press expressed gratitude towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Union Culture Ministry for their prestigious recognition. The decision to select Gita Press for the Gandhi Peace Prize was made unanimously by a jury headed by PM Modi.

The publisher was honoured with the Gandhi Peace Prize for its remarkable contributions to promoting social, economic, and political transformation through non-violent means and Gandhian principles. PM Modi congratulated Gita Press, acknowledging their commendable work fostering social and cultural transformations over the past century.

Gita Press’ decision to decline the cash award reflects its steadfast commitment to its principles and traditions. With its remarkable 100-year legacy, Gita Press stands unparalleled among Indian publishing houses in terms of sheer numbers. According to the data on its website, the prolific publisher has released an astounding 41.7 crore books. This staggering figure equates to approximately one Gita Press book for every third individual in India. While it does not necessarily imply that every third Indian owns a Gita Press book, it is undeniable that these publications have become a ubiquitous presence in Hindi-speaking households over time. Whether it’s a cherished spiritual text or a literary gem, Gita Press books have earned their place in countless homes nationwide.