Adipurush, the latest film by director Om Raut, featuring Prabhas and Kriti Sanon in the lead roles, received a mixed response from critics and audiences. The movie touted as an adaptation of the Hindu epic saga Ramayana, faced criticism for its visual effects and dialogues, leading to trolls targeting the film.

Despite the underwhelming reviews, Adipurush managed to cross the impressive milestone of 300 crores globally. In response to trollers, Om Raut acknowledged that Ramayana is an extensive tale, and Adipurush merely represents a small fragment.

During an interview, Raut expressed his pride in witnessing audiences chanting “Jai Shree Ram” during screenings, highlighting the film’s exceptional global opening. He emphasized the significance of the film’s response at the box office, stating that it had achieved unprecedented numbers on its first day.

Raut also acknowledged the complexity of comprehending the entirety of Ramayana, remarking that even he doesn’t claim to understand the epic fully. He described his portrayal of celluloid as his interpretation of the small portion known as Yuddha Kanda. He concluded that anyone claiming to understand Ramayana completely is either foolish or dishonest.

Despite the criticism, Adipurush continues to draw audiences and generate significant box-office revenue. The film’s focus on a specific aspect of the epic and its cultural impact has contributed to its success, solidifying Om Raut’s vision on the big screen.