The much-awaited wedding news of Karan Deol, son of Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, has finally been confirmed. Karan is all set to tie the knot with Drisha Acharya, the great-granddaughter of renowned filmmaker Bimal Roy. The Deol residence has been adorned with enchanting fairy lights and decorations as the wedding festivities have commenced. Social media has been buzzing with videos and photos capturing glimpses of the joyous occasion. Notably, Sunny Deol and his brother, Bobby Deol, were seen warmly welcoming the guests who arrived to celebrate the wedding.

In an interview, Dharmendra, the legendary actor and Karan’s grandfather, officially confirmed the news. He shared that Karan introduced Drisha Acharya to his mother, Pooja Deol, and upon learning about the situation, he gave his approval, stating, “Go ahead if Karan likes her.” Dharmendra also revealed that the news was first shared with Pooja, who then informed Sunny, and eventually, it reached him.

On the professional front, Karan Deol will soon be seen in ‘Apne 2’, a film that also stars his father, Sunny Deol, and uncle, Bobby Deol. Karan made his Bollywood debut with ‘Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas’ and began his career in the industry as an assistant director on ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana 2’. In the film, he even showcased his rapping skills alongside Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh.

As the Deol family celebrates this joyous union, fans eagerly await more updates and anticipate Karan Deol’s upcoming projects in cinema.