New Delhi– Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Raghav Chadha moved the Delhi High Court after his allotment of a Type-VII bungalow at the Raisina Secretariat was canceled by the Lieutenant Governor (LG) Vinai Kumar Saxena.

Chadha, the youngest MP in the Lok Sabha, was allotted the bungalow on May 24. However, the LG’s office canceled the allotment on June 6, citing “irregularities.”

Chadha challenged the LG’s decision in his petition, saying it was “arbitrary, mala fide and without jurisdiction.” He has also sought a stay on the cancellation of his allotment. The court has now issued a notice to the LG’s office and has sought a response by June 13.

Chadha’s allotment of the bungalow had come under fire from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which had accused the AAP government of giving him preferential treatment. The BJP had also alleged that Chadha had yet to submit all the required documents for the allotment.

The AAP government had, however, defended Chadha’s allotment, saying that he was eligible for it as he was a Lok Sabha MP. The matter is now likely to be heard by a single-judge bench of the Delhi High Court on June 13.

The case is significant as it could set a precedent for future allotments of government bungalows in Delhi. It could also have implications for the LG’s powers to cancel allotments.