New Delhi: May 18 is a special day that brings attention to the importance of developing a vaccine against HIV/AIDS. World AIDS Vaccine Day is a day where we recognize the tireless efforts of professionals who are working together to create a world where HIV/AIDS is no longer a threat. The first World AIDS Vaccine Day was celebrated in 1998.

This day serves as a reminder of the urgent need for an effective vaccine to prevent HIV infections and ultimately, eradicate AIDS. Although there is no vaccine currently available, we remain hopeful as countless researches continue to work towards this goal.

The World Health Organization revealed in their data that more than 32 million people have lost their lives through HIV/AIDS. Also, this disease has affected 75 million people all over the world. Therefore, it is necessary for the individuals to be aware of the HIV vaccine and get it’s dose as soon as possible.

The main aim of the World AIDS Vaccine Day is to honour all the doctors, researchers from different parts of the world who are working every day to help people fight AIDS. It also helps by raising awareness of the disease and people know about the HIV vaccine.