Mumbai: The Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squat (ATS) has arrested a scientist working with the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO). He was arrested in Mumbai and allegedly leaked secret information about Indian arms and ammunition to Pakistani Agents. He reportedly informed the Pakistani Intelligence Operative through video calls and WhatsApp.

It has been reported that the accused individual here is a 60-year-old scientist, Pradeep Kurulkar. He worked in the DRDO as a Director Scientist and informed the Pakistani Agents about missiles and other important projects in which he wa s involved. However, DRDO filed a complaint against him when they noticed he’s been informing the Pakistani Agents.

On Wednesday, 4 May, he was taken into Police Custody. The DRDO website says that Pradeep was about to retire in November. His bio reads, “He has been a key member of Akash Team and has played a major role in the design, development, and production of Akash launchers and mission-critical Ground systems.”

Once he was taken into Police Custody, the ATS later took him for further investigation. The Maharashtra Anti-terrorism Squad said that Pradeep knew about the secret missiles and other developments in defense and military and was allegedly sharing the sensitive information with the Pakistani Agents through video calls and WhatsApp.