Bhopal: Doctors in Madhya Pradesh who had been on strike for many days have ended their protest after the High Court ordered them to return to work immediately. The physicians’ strike, launched to demand better compensation and working conditions, has seriously hampered the operation of the state’s government hospitals.

The High Court’s order came after the state administration asked the court to intervene to stop the strike. The court ruled that the physicians’ strike was unlawful and immoral and was causing enormous hardship to people needing medical care.

Following the court’s order, the Madhya Pradesh government met with the striking doctors and assured them their demands would be considered. The administration also asked physicians to halt their strike and return to work immediately to guarantee that patients receive prompt medical care.

The doctors decided to call off the strike after receiving assurances from the state administration that their concerns would be addressed. The administration has committed to forming a committee to investigate the physicians’ requests and devise a solution.

The doctor’s strike had caused significant disruption to the state’s patients, many of whom had to travel vast distances to receive medical care. The strike has also resulted in a scarcity of physicians in government hospitals, exacerbating the crisis.

Finally, the decision by Madhya Pradesh government doctors to end their strike following the High Court’s directive is a positive development. It is anticipated that the government and the physicians can reach an agreement that satisfies both sides’ concerns while ensuring that patients receive the required treatment without further disruptions.