Mumbai: “Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan,” Salman Khan’s most recent film, has been doing exceptionally well at the box office. According to the most recent reports, the movie has reportedly made Rs. 87 crores in only eight days. Since its April 21 release, the film has received largely favourable reviews from reviewers and viewers.

A family drama called “Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan” is focused on the relationship and affection between two brothers. Newcomer Rajat Sharma portrays the younger brother, while Salman Khan portrays the elder sibling in the starring role. A brilliant supporting cast, including Anushka Sharma, Tabu, and Boman Irani, is also included in the film.

After the blockbuster film “Baahubali 3,” the movie’s opening weekend take of about Rs. 55 crore ranks as the second-highest opening weekend take of 2023 thus far. The fact that the film was released during a long weekend when there were no other big releases is another factor in its successful box office run.

Salman Khan’s star status and devoted fan base have also contributed to the film’s success. One of Bollywood’s most well-liked performers, Salman Khan’s films are eagerly awaited by his followers. The film’s plot, directing, and acting performances have all gotten good reviews.

The box office performance of “Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan” has been extraordinary, and this trend is anticipated to continue in the upcoming weeks. The film has already shattered several milestones and is on track to top the box office in 2023.