Indore: On World Malaria Day, the health officials of Indore took out a report they carried out for the last four months. They checked 27 thousand houses in Indore over the past four months as the people could not sleep due to the mosquitoes. Fortunately, it has been discovered that there is no sign of malaria or dengue in Indore.

The city officials reported on their plans and informed the media that they have been running an anti-larva program for the last few months. This has helped them to prevent vector-borne diseases from prevailing in the city. 

Dr. Daulat Patel, who is the district Malaria officer, talked about the situation and said, “Malaria is a vector-borne disease, and World Malaria Day is observed every year on April 25 to spread awareness about the prevention and control of the disease”.

Indore’s Commissioner tweeted, “Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives”.

He also said that their team checked a total of 27 thousand houses this year in Indore, and larva was found in just 599 homes. Dr. Daulat Patel also revealed their plans over the next few days, which will help them eliminate the larva as soon as possible. 

Later he added to his speech by saying, “Frequent fluctuation in weather along with a rise in humidity has made conditions favourable for mosquitoes to breed. The city is going through a weather transition with a rise in temperature, rainfall, and humidity causing an increase in density of mosquitoes. However, these are Culex mosquitoes which are prevalent in this season. Culex mosquitoes do not transmit dengue or malaria, but bite and breed in stagnant water of nullahs and creeks“.

Ministry of Health also tweeted on the day to raise awareness against this vector borne disease.