Sudan: The chief of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres talked about Sudan’s situation and said that the violence might even engulf the entire region. Due to the current war between two parties in Sudan, the citizens from Sudan and different parts of the world who are currently in Sudan are suffering a lot. Foreign countries are constantly trying to evacuate their people from Sudan.

Recently it has also been reported that both parties, Rapid Support Forces and Sudanese Army Forces, have agreed to a midnight ceasefire that lasts for 72 hours. The US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, told the media about this situation and said they are constantly working to uphold the ceasefire and stop it as soon as possible. The US Secretary tweeted about the same.

Meanwhile, the Italian Military aircraft have successfully evacuated 96 people from Sudan today. Two planes were used for this purpose, and it evacuated 83 Italian citizens and the remaining from different countries. 

The United Nations Council has decided to hold a meeting on the Sudan matter. This meeting will take place today, 25 April, and a total of 15 members will be attending the same to ensure that the Sudan situation doesn’t get worse and gets solved as soon as possible.