Panama: The External Affairs Minister of India, Jaishankar, spoke about the conditions between India and Pakistan. He also talked about the difficulties India will face if they even try to engage with a neighboring country like Pakistan. Jaishankar mentioned Pakistan as a country that practises cross-border terrorism, making it difficult for India and Pakistan to engage.

A joint was put on this issue when the Indian External Affairs Minister went for a Press Conference with the Foreign Minister of Panama. Panama’s Foreign Minister, Jenaina Tewany Mencomo, asked Jaishankar about this issue and told him to put his views forward. This press conference was held in Panama City.

Dr. S Jaishankar tweeted about the confrence as he wrote, “Warm and forward looking discussion with FM JanainaGob of Pananma this afternoon”.

Jaishankar mentioned, “The bottom line on this issue is it is very difficult for us to engage with a neighbour who practices cross-border terrorism against us. We’ve always said that they have to deliver on the commitment not to encourage, sponsor, and carry out cross-border terrorism. We continue to hope that one day we would reach that stage,”

Therefore, Jaishankar clarified that India had tried its best to solve the issues and still hopes that Pakistan might stop these cross-border terrorism practices someday. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s External Affairs minister still needs to respond on the same, but they’re expected to put their views on this matter soon.