JAKARTA: Indonesia’s earthquake-sensitive Sumatra Island was hit by an earthquake on Monday sending scores of people to flee to higher grounds. The earthquake was followed by at least 5 aftershocks measuring magnitude between 5.8 and 4.6.

The underwater quake that measured 7.3 on the richter scale had triggered tsunami warning said officials. However, the warning was withdrawn hours later.

The epicenter was reported to be located off the western shore of Sumatra. The quake hit at about 3 am local time at a depth of 84km, according to Indonesia’s geophysics agency Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG).

Strong tremors were felt in the West Sumatra’s capital Padang. Visuals from the area showed some Padang residents evacuating by motorbike and on foot to higher grounds.

Over 2,000 residents fled the coastal areas, heading to higher grounds in the sub-districts of Siberut Barat (West Siberut) and Siberut Utara (North Siberut) of Mentawai Islands district, said Amir Ahmari, head of the emergency and logistics unit of the disaster management and mitigation agency in Mentawai district.

Based on visual observation, so far there were no injuries, casualties and damages after the quake. However authorities have decided to continue their risk assessment.

Earlier on Saturday, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck off Southeast Sulawesi province, with the epicentre situated at 227 km northeast of the Wakatobi Regency and a depth of 32 km under the sea.