LONDON: British Deputy Prime Minister and justice minister Dominic Raab resigned on Frida following the conclusion of the inquiry based on the report of the former minister submitted to PM Sunak. In the report submitted to Sunak, findings into eight formal complaints that Raab had been abusive towards staff during a previous stint in that office and while serving as foreign secretary and Brexit secretary.

Raab– the MP for Esher and Walton – has been accused of bullying Whitehall officials while in Government. He however, denied these claims. The former Deputy Minister said he feels “duty bound to accept the outcome of the inquiry” – which has not yet been released to the public – but said it had “dismissed all but two of the claims leveled against me”.

“I also believe that its two adverse findings are flawed and set a dangerous precedent for the conduct of good government,” Raab said of Adam Tolley KC’s report. He further went on to say that he “is “genuinely sorry for any unintended stress or offence that any officials felt” as a result of what he described as the “standards and challenges” he demanded in his time as justice secretary.”

Raab’s resignation means a third senior minister has departed over their personal conduct since Sunak entered Downing Street in October promising a government of integrity.

Raab began his career as a lawyer and moved into politics in 2000 when he joined the Foreign Office.

He took on a leading role during the coronavirus pandemic, taking the helm of the government while then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson was hospitalised with the virus.