NEW DELHI: Former Congress President Sonia Gandhi trained her guns on the center and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In an editorial she wrote for the Hindu newspaper, Gandhi called PM Modi’s statements- ‘either ignoring the most pressing vital issue of the day, or platitudes and verbal gymnastics to gloss over or distract from these issues’. The op-ed was titled- An enforced silence cannot solve India’s problems.

With PM Modi bent on misusing power, Ms. Gandhi said her party will take their message directly to the public and join hands with all like-minded parties to defend the constitution. She accused the center of systematically dismantling all three pillars of democracy. Touching on Rahul Gandhi’s disqualification, she said the central govt was forced to resort to unprecedented measures to counter a determined opposition.

Highlighting the opposition charge that the government is ‘misusing’ central probe agencies Ms. Gandhi said that 95 percent of the cases are filed only against the opposition and those who join BJP cases against them ‘miraculously evaporate’.

She also alleged that the PM ignores the rising tide of hatred and violence egged on by BJP and RSS leaders and has not called for peace or harmony or acted to reign the offenders let alone bring them justice.