A video documenting the devastating effects of the earthquake in Pakistan has just gone viral online. In the 31-second clip, an earthquake shakes a news studio in Peshawar, Pakistan.

A viewer of the video tweeted it out with the following remarks: “Pashto TV channel Mahshriq TV during the earthquake. Bravo anchor continued his live program in the ongoing earthquake.”

Mahshriq TV is a local Pashto TV channel, and in the video, the news caster remains calm while the studio shakes. Behind him in the newsroom, TV displays and other machinery are also violently trembling.

Massive losses were reported in Pakistan after a major earthquake of 6.6 magnitude struck Afghanistan’s Hindu Kush region on Tuesday. At least 13 people died in Afghanistan and Pakistan. More than 100 people were brought to hospitals in the Swat valley region of Pakistan, a spokesman for Pakistan’s emergency services informed. Meanwhile, a health ministry official said at least four people were killed and 50 were injured in Afghanistan.

Strong tremors were also felt in northern India. According to the United States Geological Survey, the epicentre of the quake was in Afghanistan’s Jurm at a depth of 180 kilometres.