New Delhi: The Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena has approved the Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government’s recommendation to hold the Delhi mayoral polls on February 22, Raj Bhavan officials confirmed. It will now be held at 11 am in MCD Sadan — the head office of the civic body.

The announcement came hours after CM Kejriwal accused lieutenant governor VK Saxena of “trying to influence the case” and “committing criminal contempt of court”.

“I spoke to many lawyers and it amounts to interference in the administration of justice. The L-G has committed criminal contempt of court,” he said while addressing a press conference.

This will be for fourth time the MCD will convene to elect their Mayor. The polls have been stalled thrice over two months on prolonged tussle between the ruling AAP and the Centre-appointed Lieutenant Governor over whether nominated members have the right to vote.

After the election of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, and 6 members of the Standing Committee will be elected on the same day.