NEW DELHI: More than a dozen students have been detained including members of the left-wing group at Jamia Milia Islamia University on Wednesday as they planned to screen BBC Documentary on PM Modi this evening.

The incident came days after a similar attempt done at the JNU was met by stone pleting and administrative intervention.

Police in blue gear with detention vans and tear gas reched the gates of the college in the south east Delhi.

University administration had said on Tuesday in an order that they would not allow any unauthorised gathering on campus after the Students Federation of India had announced the screening.

Meanwhile, the Union Minister of State for External Affairs V. Muraleedharan called JNU students “miscreants” for trying to “break the country” by hosting a screening of the documentary and called for police action against them.

“The tukde tukde gang, they are trying to create trouble,” he told reports.

At the screenign attempt in JNU, students said that the college administration cut off power and internet to stop the event, forcing them to watch the series on their phones. It is also learned that the students were warned of serious disciplinary action.