GWALIOR: A war of words has erupted in context to the declaration by Peethadhishwar Dhirendra Krishna Shastri of Bageshwar Dham, who claims to provide the solution to every problem of his devotees, has been accused of promoting witchcraft and spreading superstition. 

Senior leader of Madhya Pradesh Congress and leader of opposition in MP assembly, Govind Singh interacting with the media on Saturday he sarcastically asked, “Dhirendra Shastri, who? I only salute those who work for the welfare of the poor.”

“Who is Dhirendra Shastri? I do not know who Dhirendra Shastri is. I also saw him on social media only”, Singh said. 

He further added, “I only salute ‘Shastris’ who help the poor, common man and the needy, I have no place for fake ‘Shastris’. I have also seen in the media that he has been challenged in Chhattisgarh. So, if he knows any sort of witchcraft then he should show”.

Shastri, a self-styled godman made the headlines after he allegedly ran away from a challenge by Maharashtra-based Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti. There the Andhshraddha Unmoolan Samiti accused Dhirendra Krishna Shastri of promoting witchcraft and spreading superstition. Also, he was accused of looting, cheating, and exploiting common people in the name of God.

On the allegations, Dhirendra Krishna Shastri said, “I am being falsely accused of promoting superstition. I am against superstition and I have faith in Hanuman Ji. We do not make any claims while holding the court of Bageshwar Maharaj that I shall solve every problem. The one who believes in Hanuman, his work shall be successful. I have come to Chhattisgarh only to preach the name of Shri Ram, Hanuman, and to give the message of Ramayana. “

Many videos of Dhirendra Krishna Shastri were circulated on social media where he claimed to solve everyone’s problem with the blessings of Bageshwar Bala Ji and this was the first time his claims were challenged.