BEIJING: As COVID-19 rips through China’s vast population, residents are now turning to old-school traditions in order to fight the virus which has been fast spreading ever since the country dropped its COVID-19 zero policy. The implementation of the ideology was prompted by president Xi Jinping since the beginning of the pandemic. The health officials hailed the approach as ‘important’ in fighting the virus.

Meanwhile, China introduced Ice Burial technology, amid the rising number of deaths in China due to COVID-19. In this process, corpses can be instantly frozen in liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees, and then turn into powder form. Much faster than cremation. This is not the first time IceBurial technology has been used to cremate a dead body. In 2016, a Swedish and an Irish company were developing and providing new forms of burial. The controversial burial method uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and disintegrates a dead body.

According to WHO, China on Thursday reported the biggest leap in hospitalizations owing to COVID-19 in the week through 15th January. Based on a report, the top healthboyd stated that the hospitalization increased by 70% to 63,307 versus the previous week– which has cited as the highest weekly figure since the outbreak.

However, the WHO said it awaited “detailed provincial data disaggregated by the week of reporting” on nearly 60,000 additional COVID-related hospital deaths reported by China last week and did not include them in the tally.