KYIV: Ukraine Defense department claims that hundreds of Russian troops were killed in the strike in Makiivka, in the Donetsk region as opposed to 63 deaths acknowledged by Russia. In a rare admission, Russia on Monday said 63 servicemen were killed when a temporary deployment point was struck in Makiivka in a part of eastern Ukraine held by pro-Moscow separatists since 2014.

Eversince the war initated almost an year now, the Ukranian govt charged two high ranking Russian commanders with crimes related to attacking civillians during the war. Those charged have been identified as Colonel General Serhii Kobylash, commander of the long range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces and Admiral igor Osipov former commander of the Black sea fleet of the Russian Federation. It is being speculated that they could face life prison, sources said.

Meanwhile, the New Year bought along warm vibes easing the demand on the compromised electricity grid. “Power plants produced enough electricity to cover the load- said country’s state owned electricity operator. Nonethless the company added that the power restrictions would be imposed sooner as the demand through the day surged. Winters in 2022 have been terrific for the residents in Ukraine as Moscow deliberately dmaged the power grids, disrupted water and heat supply in the country.

According to Ukranian military chief- 40 per cent of the territories occupied since February have been liberated. Moreover, it is learned that 28 per cent of the terrirtories that were annexedby Russis since 2014 were also liberated.