Madhya Pradesh: Senior Gwalior Congress leader and former minister Bhagwan Singh Yadav has been sentenced to 3 years in a corruption case. A fine of Rs 15,000 has also been imposed. The case is 24 years old. Satish Sharma, an employee of the bank, had complained to the Economic Offenses Research Bureau. It was told that the order for stationery supply has been given to Women’s Multipurpose Co-operative Society Maryadit Gadhrauli without calling for quotations. This stationery was worth about 4.5 lakh rupees. The complaint was made in 2004. 

After a long investigation, in 2009, the EOW registered an FIR against 9 people including former minister Bhagwan Singh. Government advocate Dharmendra Sharma said that on October 27, 1998, the work of purchasing the stationery of the bank was given to the Multipurpose Co-operative Society Maryadit Gadrauli. 

The then bank employee Satish Sharma had complained in the EOD that the institution had been given permission to supply stationery in a fraudulent manner. For this, the bank did not invite tender. This amount was transferred to the account of Ishan Awasthi, the then-employee of the bank itself. The registration of the institution and the work order was also done almost on the same date.

The organization was not authorized to supply stationery. The court found that others including former minister Bhagwan Singh have carried out the scam by misusing their positions. Mukesh Mathur and Rajni Mulay, accused in the scam, have been acquitted for lack of evidence. Whereas, the then President of District Cooperative Bank Bhagwan Singh Yadav, the then District Manager DK Jain has been punished with 3 years imprisonment and a fine of Rs 30,000.