GENEVA: Amidst the striking surge globally, the WHO chief has expressed ‘grave concerns’ urging Beijing to provide detailed information about the severity of the situation.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Wednesday in a weekly news conference mentioned that the top health body was very concerned about the situation in China.” We continue to call on China to share the data and conduct the studies we have requested, and which we continue to request. As I have said many times before, all hypotheses about the origins of Covid19 pandemic remain on the table, further said. “

Offering support for clinical care, he urged Chinese authorities to reintroduce mass vaccinatios.

According to Tedros, nations need tighten the laxity in surveillance, testing and sequencing. He added that

Gaps in vaccinations mean that millions of people remain at high-risk of severe disease & death.

Gaps in treatment mean people are dying needlessly….

Gaps in health systems leave them unable to cope with surges in patients with COVID19, flu & other diseases

Gaps in our understanding of post-#COVID19 condition mean we don’t understand how best to treat people suffering with the long-term consequences of infection…

Gaps in our understanding of how this pandemic began compromise our ability to prevent future pandemics.

Ever since China lifted it so-called “zero Covid” policy in early December, the number of COVID-19 infection soared raising fears of a high mortality rate among the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable.